
Dear Dhamma Friends,

We are organizing to contribute some stationaries for 950 students in Viyaluva Eletorate in Sri-Lanka. This is good opportunity for your generosity. It is our annual welfares charity evnet that organized by the Samaloka International Buddhist Center (ISBC) in Sri-lanka. The stationary that we hope to contribute for all students are below. All they belong to one set. It perhaps may cost Sinpappore Dollar (S$) 15 per head as I plan to buy from Sri-Lanka. You are free to sponsor at your will any quantity.

01.Exercise(copy)books(page80) 12
02.Ballpointpens(red,blue,andblack) 03
03.Pencil 05
04.Eraser 03
05.Rulers 01
06.Mathematical box 01

Please contribute some for this good deed showing generosity. We wish you good health and happy Chinese New Year. “May you be well and happy”!

With Metta
Bhante Dewannada

我們現正籌辦捐贈文具予斯里蘭卡國 薇雅蘆瓦 伊蕾托拉德 (Viyaluva Eletorate)
的950名學生. 此為您好施的良機. 此事是由斯里蘭卡的紗縵蘿卡國際佛教中心
(Samaloka International Buddhist Center,ISBC) 所辦的年度慈善福利. 給予學生們
的文具如下所述是為一套. 在斯里蘭卡購買,每套約新加坡幣15元 (譯註: 約
新台幣350元). 請依願解囊.
01. 練習簿(80頁) : 12本
02. 原子筆 (鋼珠筆) (紅,藍及黑色) : 3 枝
03. 鉛筆 : 5 枝
04. 橡皮擦 : 3 塊
05. 尺 : 1 隻
06. 數學盒 : 1 只:
為彰您的(浩)施,請多少捐助此懿行. 敬祝您們健康,新年快樂.

Bhante Devananda


星期六, 一月 21, 2012